Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's Like Butter

I'm getting this dress. I first read about it on Marvelous Kiddo, a blog favorite. It's the signature jersey wrap dress from Butter by Nadia. It's like one of those late night infomercial dresses from like the late '70s early '80s the-5-in-1 dress. But it's not. It's modern and stylie. But I was still skeptical until I saw it in person last night. (Last night was a pretty cool night. It was the first time we went out as a couple since A was born three months ago.) Rather I saw the dress on a real live person and it really looked great. I could kick myself for missing the sample sale but oh well. Now I've just to choose a color.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Firm ...

just kicked my butt. First time I broke out in a sweat in a good minute. It's been three months since giving birth to my second son and I'm over the maternity wardrobe but apparently it's not over with me. So I've decided (again) to get in shape and be healthier. It doesn't help that DH goes to Mui Tai Boxing 3+ times a week. Or perhaps I should look at that differently and be inspired by him, if only to keep up. I found some photos of me from 2005 where I felt my most confident in my physical appearance. Incidentally, I got pregnant with my first son in 2005 and have yet to commit to working out since.

But I want Michelle Obama arms! And since I can't figure out how to get to the gym with a 3 month old, and I usually end up throwing away gangs of money on monthly fees and annual contracts anyway, I headed to Target a few days ago and plucked The Firm Ultimate Fat Burning Workout from the shelves. Allison's (the instructor) southern accent was cute and unexpected. She looks like a cheerleader. Foolish me. I underestimated her and her fat burning workout.

At about six minutes in, the first bead of sweat appeared. Fifteen minutes in and I was staring at the clock on the DVD willing it to be over. For a good portion I just marched in place - because I could not keep up with Allison and her multi-ethnic fitness posse and their insane routine combinations. I'll admit to sitting down at least once in exhaustion and exasperation but I got back up and finished the work out. I'll do it again tomorrow. I'm trying to get at the best part of me and trying to achieve that seeming elusive work/life/art/passion/family (not necessarily in that order) balance. Part of being a good mom and partner is to be healthy enough to handle whatever gets thrown at me. Plus it's cyclical. I feel good when I look good. Look good when I feel good. Don't we all?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On Mommy Blogs

My first blog goes back to the late '90s early '00s for my now defunct but still online site: I keep paying Pair Networks because I can't bring myself to take it down. I also don't know how to archive it. And sometime I think, maybe one day I'll resurrect it. It's been years since I maintained it or any other blog.

I find myself blogging again for two reasons. The first being my desire to become a disciplined writer - disciplined as in the habit of writing on a regular basis. The second, because motherhood has gifted me with tons to write about. In fact, the first article that I published following the birth of my first child was about my husband's and my decision to co-sleep and then our decision to stop co-sleeping (after getting hit in the face with one of my son's toy cars deep in the night).

Truth be told, I find myself fascinated and slightly overwhelmed by the sheer number of mommy bloggers: Christian moms; crunchy moms; design lovin' moms; breastfeeding, babywearing, cloth diapering moms; moms of color; queer moms, adoptive moms, moms of Multiples, homebirthing moms, fashionista moms, hell Brooklyn moms are their own category, etc. etc. The point is, even though I just put all these mothers into little boxes, each woman, each writer falls into more than one category. She is the sum of many parts. And that's inspiring.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

On Baby Wearing

Years before I became a parent, I remember earnestly trying to convince two friends, a married couple who were expecting, why they needed a stroller. They were convinced they wouldn't need one. I thought they were crazy. Their plan was to use baby carriers exclusively. I stored away that conversation (as far as I know they never used strollers with either of their two children and have no regrets) and didn't really think about it again until I became pregnant.

Almost two weeks after my son was born in May of 2006, I brought my husband, the baby, and the car seat to a class to learn about different baby carriers. Six pounds at birth my son was too small for the Bjorn and the Snuggli we had. I was beginning to worry that I'd never get anything done because my son, like all newborns, wanted to be held all the time. And I wanted to hold him all the time but there had to be a better way than actually holding him all the time. At the end of the 45 minute class I was hooked. I ordered two carriers online the minute we got home: An Over the Shoulder Baby Holder and a Mei Tai. They couldn't come soon enough. By the time I became a member of slings in the city and attended my first Baby Wearing Bonanza I was an advocate teetering on zealot.

About a year later, I started my own business teaching baby wearing to new and expecting parents, often with my own baby in tow. In the name of research, I obtained nearly two dozen different style baby carriers. But we only have ONE baby my husband would remind me. No matter. I had clients and I had friends with babies. I also had a MamaJacket, a Mama Poncho and a Peekaroo Vest.

A note on that: Practical they may well be but baby wearing clothes look absolutely hideous on me, particularly the poncho. What I was thinking? I know! Let's throw a blanket with a hole over the extra postpartum baby weight and the small child attached to my torso. Yeah that's stylish! It won't look tent-like at all. Those items were quickly resold.

These days I no longer teach. And I try not to offer unsolicited advice. But heaven help if you ask, 'cause I love babywearing and could talk about it and it's benefits till the cows come home.

Currently my stash is edited down to just: 1 Ergo (my husband's carrier of choice), 1 classic freehandbaby mei tai, 1 moby wrap, 1 mayawrap ring sling, one Beco, our OTSBH and 2 Didymos woven wraps. The others, I gave away to friends and strangers.

I've yet to figure out what to get the husband for father's day. It made me smile but it won't be this T-shirt from

Happy Babywearing!

Friday, June 12, 2009


This morning L climbed into our bed, as he does every morning. He's 3. He brought with him three stuffed animals: polar bear, mama kangaroo, and tarantula. Yeah, he has a stuffed tarantula (thanks Uncle Mikey!)He usually brings one for each of us and then gives his baby brother a baby rattle. Baby brother A, who sleeps in the co-sleeper attached to our bed some of the time and in our bed most of the time, was cuddled next to me sound asleep. L wanted to hug and kiss the baby. But when he does of course, he wakes the baby and the last thing I want anyone to do is wake the baby. But L wakes the baby with a big hug. And I get a little annoyed as he starts fussing but sweet as can be, L starts singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. It's okay, it's okay he repeats to his brother gently patting his back after the song. The singing calms the baby and they're smiling at each other and I smile at my husband. My heart is full of love. It was a great way to begin the day.